2016/02/23 EdgeMAX シリーズのファームウェア v1.8.0 がリリースされました。
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ソフトウェア更新情報 > 2016.02.23 EdgeMAX EdgeRouter v1.8.0

提供:EdgeOS 日本語Wiki [非公式]
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2016/02/23 Ubiquiti Networks より、EdgeMAX EdgeRouter のファームウェア v1.8.0 がリリースされました。



EdgeRouter 機種全て


誤訳あるかも知れません。 詳細は、公式サイト のリリースノートをご覧下さい。

  • 以下をサポートするプロプライエタリなルーティングプロトコルスタックをサポート
    • MPLS : Multiprotocol Label Switching
    • LDP : Label Distribution Protocol
    • RSVP-TE : Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Engine
    • VPLS : Virtual Private LAN Service
    • BFD : Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
    • などなど
  • QoS の Advanced Queue について、Web UI で設定できるようになった。
  • offload されていないトラフィックについても、Traffic Analysis や DPI の対象になった。
  • IPsec で利用している strongSwan を最新バージョンにした。
  • DPI のアプリケーションカテゴリに基づく firewall ・ QoS が利用できるようになった。
  • 一部の一般的でない設定項目を、「非推奨 (deprecated)」とした。
  • 基本的な内容や、新機能についての「設定ガイド」を準備中

This release contains many significant new features, and the major news for this release is that we are adding a new proprietary routing protocol stack, which supports new features including Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Label Distribution Protocol (LDP), Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE), Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), and more, and these are in addition to improvements to the already supported routing protocols: OSPF, OSPFv3, BGP, RIP, and RIPng of course.

Other major new features/enhancements include Advanced Queue QoS feature with full Web UI configuration, Traffic Analysis and DPI support for non-offloaded traffic, updating strongSwan to new version for IPsec improvements, firewall/QoS based on DPI application categories, and more! More details can be found in the release notes below.

Note that due to the major changes in the transition to the new routing protocol stack, a number of (uncommon) config settings have been "deprecated". We also have basic "Config Guide" documents that includes basic information and examples for some of the new features and are working on more. These are all currently documented in the beta forum, and we are moving the documents to the regular forum and will provide update with links.

Special thanks to all the community members who participated in the alpha/beta testing, reported issues, provided feedback, and even came up with fixes! Your contributions were instrumental in helping us find and fix issues with all the major changes, and we really appreciate it!


Note: The ER-X/ER-X-SFP/EP-R6 has more limited storage, and in some cases upgrade may fail due to not enough space. If this happens, remove the old backup image first (using "delete system image" command, see here for more details) before doing upgrade.

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